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lindelokse's avatar




Apophysis 7X and a little photoshop for curves adjustments.
Can you see the question mark? ;)

So... I and ^n8iveattitude1 decided to finally fight this Apophysis monster called Xaos. We rolled up our sleeves ( [link] )and tried to put a tile pattern into a spherical gasket... and after a few hours of "omg it's a mess! omg it's so ugly!" we made it :dance:

This one is a elliptic splits pattern filling a spherical gasket. Bonus: it's 3d :giggle:! You can check a small preview of the 2d version here [link] ;)

Heartfelt thanks to ^n8iveattitude1 for all the fun and for rendering these flames for me :thanks:!!!
fullview please!
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3195x3195px 15.39 MB
© 2012 - 2024 lindelokse
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FractalEntanglement's avatar
So I've been on deviant art for a little while now and I'd just like to say that this piece has remained my all-time favorite since I first saw it.